According to the leadership/management diagnostic we conducted in class, I am Sd; stable/dominant type of leader/manager. I think the test did evaluate me correctly because it identified many traits that I do possess. For example I am a status quo person. I like routine and I don't like too many changes. If something is working well I am reluctant to try to find an improvement to work even better. Also I do try to create a pleasant environment around me, especially at work environment. I am a loyal person and I very rarely lie to anyone. If there is some misunderstanding or even a fight between people or even when I am involved, I am usually the calm person who try to calm the people and find a solution that works for everyone.
However, I do not agree with the letter d which I got because I think that I do not possesss many traits of the described dominant personality. I think the influental/creative personality describes me better. This diagnostic test is helpful in describing what "type" of manager one is, but we should always be cynical about these results because they cannot be 100% correct. This test can reveal some interesting facts about someone's personality.