Friday, October 22, 2010

Whatever You Decide

When the professor was explaining the behaviors during the decision making conflict, I instanty recognized my reaction from the class activity as accommodation. Since I was satisfied with what I got on the test and I knew that there were a lot of people who were not, I simply did not take a part in the decision making. The way I thought was that people who did worse than I did needed those extra points. Therefore there was no need for me to fight for something because I knew that whatever is decided it will benefit everyone and I will accept the decision. I think there were a couple of more people who were in the same situation as me, but there were also many who choose the avoidance and did not participate because they saw that it's difficult to get to an agreement with everyone. There were a couple of them who were sort of in between the compromise and compete to win behaviors and I really admired them because they showed great effort and were willing to make the decision that would be good for all of us. I am not sure if my personal decision making behavior was right or wrong. Maybe I should have stated my opinion since my grade was at stake as well, but I don't think there was much need.


  1. I don't think your personal decision making behavior was wrong, and it makes sense that you would want to accommodate for those who got lower grades. If you wanted to participate more and try out a different decision making approach, I suppose you could have put yourself in the mindset that you had a lower score than you did, and really needed this decision to be successful.

  2. I was also accommodating after I saw the curve. I figures there is no need to participate since with the curve I am hitting A mark. I did however switched to competing mode especially in the exam structuring.
    I don't think there can be wrong or right behavior, much depends on one's personality and surroundings.

  3. I do agree with you guys that if you receive a good grade you shouldn't be too involve in the decision making but I think it was important at least to be a part of the generation of the ideas.

  4. A lot of students chose the avoidance behavior. I don’t know why. Is it social loafing or they just didn’t feel comfortable to speak up in the big unorganized group? As for me, I just prefer to talk in small groups (classes). Speaking in the large groups makes me really uncomfortable.
